Been traveling a lot to conduct Image workshops plus juggling the time in between to prepare for my Image column for The Sunday Star weekly and now I have a multilevel marketing business to concentrate on is quite a handful task and a big responsibility.
Just got back from Jakarta to conduct an Image workshop for the Vvips of Indonesia that includes deputy ministers, ambassadors wives , entrepreneurs and the wives of Indonesian conglomerates organized by the Malaysian Ladies Association in Jakarta headed by the Malaysian Embassy. It was an awesome and fruitful experience networking with all the influential ladies of Indonesia and of course being able to penetrate into another market segmentation in another country. It was really interesting to see how the ladies over there really took the initiatives and extra effort to look good and dress up for the occasion. It's quite a difference compared to our Malaysian ladies where they need to be told to do it at times.
I managed to sell all 50 copies of my books and there have been requests to invite me there again to conduct workshops for their respective organizations. I am really looking forward to that definitely. As always, I like to see things in different perspectives and I see opportunities in everything. I was also being told that it would be a great idea to market Adamaya products there and their population is huge . Well I might just do that.... soon.
Talking about my multilevel marketing business, I am now in the midths of doing a road tour with the Adamaya team and leaders in a few states in Malaysia. Since we finally got our AJL [ Akta Jualan Langsung a direct sales licence to trade] licence last month , we are moving aggressively to promote our consumer product label and brand , Adamaya. We have covered Skudai and Masai in Johor, Kuala Pilah in Melaka, Butterworth and moving on to Sungai Petani Kedah and also a few places in Ipoh. We will be going to the east coast after I come back from my AICI conference in Vancouver , Canada and New York ,the first week of June.
This is my new life now.. meeting people from the rural areas and offering job and business oppportunities and the chance to generate extra income for their families . Mind you this is the best business to venture into if you want to have the financial freedom and become a millionaire in no time.
Adamaya is a product based multilevel company that will be around for a very long time. My vision is to make it a legacy for many generations to come and it will be one of the biggest if not the biggest in the world one day ..insyaallah .This is my vow and I hope the universe is listening! IT IS NOT A MONEY GAME . So for those of you who are interested to create a passive income don't hesitate to join us and we will give you all the support you need. All you have to do is to believe in Adamaya.
Adamaya is also a registered trademark since 2006 and no parties are allowed to use this brand name for business or commercial purposes without our consent. We would like to highlight this matter because we found out that there are a few parties who have used our brand name to operate a cafe, spa and also a TV drama series.. I hereby confirmed that we are the only owner and founder of this registered trademark and our nature of business started out as a Hairsalon then into Image Consultancy and now our latest diversification is into a Multilevel Marketing Company. Please be informed.
If you come across anyone using my brand name, Adamaya, for other businesses , please do not hesitate to email me at immediately. Your co-operation is highly appreciated.
Thank you for reading.
Luv, Shawati